Call us: 08062733452

Company Profile

Manufacturing industrial equipments and heavy tools is a process that requires a considerable amount of expertise and craftsmanship, which can be acquired only by patience and an undying ambition. This is the philosophy behind our company J K Prestressing Co. and we possess both of the aforementioned requisites. Established in 1954, we boast an experience spanning more than 60 years in the heavy machinery and tools industry. We are a leading Manufacturers, Suppliers, Wholesalers, Distributors and Exporters of heavy industrial tools and equipments like Pot Bearings, Expansion Joints, etc. Based in Haryana our range of wares are known for the exceptional set of features and attributes they come laden with, such as superior build quality, durability and longevity.

Array Of Products

We offer a diverse portfolio of products that cater to a wide diaspora of industries. The complete list of commodities that we provide are:

  • Pot Bearings
  • Spherical Bearings
  • Elastomeric Bearings
  • Rocker Cum Roller Bearings
  • Uplift Bearings
  • Expansion Joints
  • Pt Anchorages
  • Pt Sheathings
  • Pt Jacks
  • Pt Grouting Pumps
  • DE Watering Pumps
  • Piston Vacuums
  • Self Impellers
  • Engineering Goods
  • Hydraulic Pumps

    Mission And Vision

    We have a vision of being the most trusted brand in the heavy tools and industrial equipments domain of the market. And we believe this can be achieved only by consistent innovation and research, so that we can instill the best set of features in our products, to garner patronage across industries. Our aim is to set an industrial benchmark in terms of feature rich portfolio of products that offer characteristics which are nowhere to be found in the market.

    Company Details-

    Year Of Establishment


    No. Of Production Units


    No. Of Designers


    No. Of Engineers


    No. Of Employees


    Company Branches


    Banking Partners

    ICICI Bank

    Production Type

    Automatic and Semi-Automatic


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